Improvement? Hopefully? Maybe?

Well, I do at least feel like I am getting a better handle on how to navigate the sites we are using in this course. I would say that my Omeka work this week went much more smoothly than it did last week. So smoothy I am afraid I’ve missed something…

I did have some fun selecting files to upload. I always love to go back through photos and videos. This last year I have taken up making audio recordings of pieces of home. Moving up the Prince George has really made me appreciate being home with my family and I have been taking opportunities to record little pieces of that for myself.

The first video I chose is of my family’s horses running around our barnyard for the fun of it. They love to let off a bit of steam once in a while and I love to see them run. In some ways it is more thrilling to watch them running freely than to be riding them while they run, but that might just depend on the day. The second video is taken of the view from the top of Mt. Atwood into the valley next to the one in which I live. I rode up with my mom and siblings and we stopped to let the horses rest at the top. I live in such a beautiful place but that view is one of my favourite.

One concern I do have with the videos is whether or not they are the right file type. The videos seem to be working without issues, but I am unclear on how different file types work? I may need to do some more investigations in the morning and possibly make some adjustments.

Both of the audio clips were taken standing in my yard. One is of just bird calls and the other and mix of bird calls and distant thunder. I cannot identify the bird calls, but they do give me a wonderful reminder of spring even in January. For the audio, I did use the file converter recommended on the group chat. Thank you for that. The conversion went as smooth as butter.

Having shared so many files from my first home, I thought I should make my photo one that captured a little of the new home I have found in Prince George. Times spent sitting and talking with new acquaintances on the Shane Lake dock has cemented friendships and provided some excellent scenery.

Here is the link to my week 3 files:

The metadata I shared for each file was meant to give some context to viewers for what the media contained and how they came to be. I tried to make each item easy to find by attaching all of the relevant tags I could think of. I also labeled the files according to topics I might which to add to in my little library of information. A way of planning for something to grow into as I add more media and information.

One thing I do want to figure out for this coming week, and to go back and fix for the last two weeks, are the image thumbnails. I know resources have been shared to the group so I am going to see if I can figure out how to do it.


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