Omeka Classic Installation

Well folks, a trial this surely was. The first step for this assignment was figuring out exactly where to start. I followed the installation instructions to the letter which meant I really had no idea what it was I was doing.

Once I had the subdomain set up and Omeka Classic installed it was surprisingly easy to link them. Then I began to explore Omeka to find out how to add the required information. This is where I really starting going in circles. I had difficulty figuring out how to add files to the site and spent several minutes chasing my cursor around the site. At last I found the right place and uploaded the required photos and began adding information about the collection and figuring out how to add the items to it. This including deleting and reloading files several times, but I eventually figured it out.

My relief was short-lived however, for though I could see the files without trouble while logged in, they seem to be non-existent on the public site. I have tried adding additional information so as be able to search the images but have not been successful as of yet. I am afraid that may be going in circles for a while yet. Wish me luck!

Update: I am pleased to report that I found the problem! The photos should now be available to the public. Apparently you are supposed to click this little box saying ‘public’…oops.

Mining in the West: technological, economic, social, and environmental implications ( What first caught my attention was that this site had information on the environmental impacts of the mining industry. Once I started exploring, I was intrigued by the wealth and diversity of information and resources. The site includes, newspaper articles, photos, poetry, lesson plans, and art work related to mining and its history.


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