Journey to Prince George

This was a fun project and, at the time that I am writing this, I have not run into any difficulties which I think is a first. I clicked the right buttons and quickly figured out to how to upload files and add text. I also realized that I could show my journey on the map which was great because I was depicting a spacial journey as well as en experiential journey. The story has even successfully been embedded in this post.

I chose my trip up to Prince George for my first year of university as my topic. University is a place and an experience that people from all different backgrounds share, and yet our stories are so personal. We come from different places spatially and culturally and suddenly was are thrust into shared social and work settings. I was lucky that my introduction to university life was a really good experience. I have friends though who have really struggled with the student experience and living away from home. Regardless, this is a transformational time in the lives of many. What we learn in university usually informs the course of our lives.

I feel like the creativity of a story map really allows you to become more personal in your style story telling. You can show rather than tell your story. This would be particularly valuable for those who may not find the written language particularly accessible. I am really excited to use this method of story telling in the future!


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